






Shake It rihanna SOS vs. ying yang twins remix 版本 


姓名:Robyn Rihanna Fenty





身高:5呎8吋 (173cm)

體重:105磅 (48kg)

個人介紹:天使般美麗動人臉龐、融合成熟性感以及天真無邪韻味;她是夏日解渴清涼劑、各大媒體雜誌紛紛封上「最受期待的明日之星」焦點;Def Jam大頭Jay-Z挖掘力捧的旗下秘密主打武器、集三千寵愛於一身的小公主,她是散發美貌與才華的小可人Rihanna。雖以歌唱起家,因其優異外貌及動人肢體語言,贏得知名運動品牌NIKE與大型連鎖百貨公司J.C. Penney青睞,成為明星代言人;應邀參與轟動全球校園之青春賣座影片「Bring It On/魅力四射」2006年全新第三集演出,我們看到了一位立足國際的新彗星,持續在樂壇發光發熱。 出生於英屬西印度群島之一的巴佩道斯島,就在名製作人Evan Rogers陪伴跟Rihanna同鄉的老婆回島上過聖誕節時,經友人引薦Rihanna,就在Evan遊說下前往紐約錄製DEMO帶,接著如同麻雀變鳳凰的戲碼,在穿針引線給Jay-Z後,開始繽紛上演。2005夏季推出榮登流行專輯榜Top10+節奏藍調/嘻哈榜Top6首張專輯《Music Of The Sun》,引爆炎夏派對高峰,首選流行雷鬼單曲<Pon De Replay>,站上英美兩地流行單曲榜亞軍,全球紛紛傳來專輯銷售白金捷報!


(2006) 像我這樣的女孩 A Girl Like Me

(2005) 太陽之歌 Music of the Sun


魅力四射 Bring It On: All or Nothing (2006)

陣容好強:總裁Jay-Z、排行製造機Timbaland、救世主Ne-Yo、天王Justin Timberlake、世界級DJ大師們,共同打造

「我只花了兩分鐘不到的時間就確定她將來會成為閃耀巨星!」三年前,美↖國嘻哈大廠Def Jam總裁Jay-Z在他的辦公室裡,聽見當時年僅十六歲的Rihanna/蕾哈娜試唱金嗓天后惠妮休斯頓的節奏藍調名曲“For the Love of You”之後,即大膽預言Rihanna勢必在流行樂壇大放異彩。而自從2005年夏天出道以來,Rihanna也很爭氣的用一連串優異的排行成績證明Jay-Z的慧眼獨具!

來自加勒比海熱帶島國巴貝多的Rihanna,天生註定要在熱情的夏天發光發熱。2005年夏天發行首張專輯『Music Of The Sun』,首發雷鬼勁曲“Pon De Replay”魅力橫掃全球各大小舞場,不僅拿下全美數位單曲下載榜多週冠軍、並在英美流行單曲榜上雙雙登上亞軍席次,堪稱2005年最轟動的夏日國歌,順勢帶領專輯締造突破120萬張銷售佳績。2006年盛夏推出第二張作品『A Girl Like Me』,舞意盎然首波強打“S.O.S.”再次煽動舞池發燒情緒,蟬聯全美流行榜三週冠軍,還被全球最大運動品牌Nike選為2006年女性專屬鞋款的廣告主題曲!由R&B救世主Ne-Yo特地為Rihanna量聲打造的第二波抒情佳釀“Unfaithful”,多次稱霸美國MTV頻道TRL節目觀眾每日票選冠軍、成功登陸英美單曲榜Top 10!連續多支單曲在排行榜上告捷,讓『A Girl Like Me』更上層樓在全球寫下超越270萬張驚人銷量。

人氣沸騰的Rihanna在各大頒獎典禮上同樣戰績輝煌﹕日本與歐洲的MTV音樂錄影帶大獎分別頒給她「最佳新人音樂錄影帶-“Pon De Replay”」、「最佳節奏藍調藝人」﹔2006年底的告示牌音樂獎上Rihanna一舉抱回「年度女藝人」、「年度流行單曲女藝人」、「年度熱門單曲女藝人」、「年度舞曲-“S.O.S.”」等四項大獎﹔同年的全美青少年民選獎上,贏得「最具突破性女藝人」與「年度節奏藍調藝人」兩項殊榮﹔最新一期美國男性雜誌龍頭MAXIM亦將Rihanna評選為2007年百大性感發燒人物第8名!

2007年夏天,Rihanna祭出精采融合復古舞曲、靈魂、流行、節奏藍調、dancehall…等豐富元素的第三張大碟【Good Girl Gone Bad】;嘻哈天皇Jay-Z特地為首發單曲“Umbrella”幫腔助陣,充滿記憶點的副歌教人聽過一次就朗朗上口跟著哼唱「under my umbrella ㄝ 啦 ㄝ 啦 ㄝ ㄝ ㄝ」,目前已火速攻陷英美等9國11大排行金榜冠軍;個人最新專輯甫奪下全美冠軍的Ne-Yo與Rihanna一同合唱節奏藍調輕鬆小品“Hate That I Love You”,兩人默契十足﹔英國BBC網站樂評除了看好洋溢雷鬼風情的“Lemme Get That”會是下一首走紅舞吧的節奏勁作外,並率先預測【Good Girl Gone Bad】即將成為年度最棒的流行/舞曲/靈魂專輯之一,Rihanna的新世代天后地位已不言可喻。全球同步推出的這張【雙CD初回限量盤】更請來Seamus Haji、Paul Emanuel、Soul Seekerz、Digital Dog等多位DJ大師操刀,加贈包括「S.O.S」及新曲「Umbrella」等12首混音勁歌,絕對不容錯過。 

S.O.S. (Rescue Me)

Lalala lalala la la lala la Ohhh
You know… I never felt like this before
Lalala lalala la la lala la Ohhh
Feels like.. so real

[Verse 1]
I’m obsessive when just one thought of you comes up
I’m aggressive just one thought of closing up
You got me stressing, incessantly pressing the issue
‘Cause every moment gone you know I miss you
I’m the question and you’re of course the answer
Just hold me close boy ’cause I’m your tiny dancer
You make me shaken up, never mistaken
But I can’t control myself, got me calling out for help

S.O.S. please someone help me.
It’s not healthy… for me to feel this way
Y.O.U. are making this hard,
I can’t take it, see it don’t feel right
S.O.S. please someone help me
It’s not healthy… for me to feel this way
Y.O.U. are making this hard
You got me tossin’ and turnin’ and can’t sleep at night

This time please someone come and rescue me
‘Cause you on my mind it’s got me losing it
I’m lost, you got me lookin’ for the rest of me
Love is testing me but still I’m losing it
This time please someone come and rescue me
‘Cause you on my mind, it’s got me losing it
I’m lost, you got me looking for the rest of me,
Got the best of me, so now I’m losing it

[Verse 2]
Just your presence and I second guess my sanity
Yes it’s a lesson, it’s unfair, you stole my vanity
My tummy’s up in knots so when I see you I get so hot
My common sense is out the door, can’t seem to find the lock
Take on me (uh huh) you know inside you feel it right
[CD version:] Take me on I’m put desire up in your arms tonight
[Video version:] Take me on, I could just die up in your arms tonight.
I’m out with you, you got me head over heels
Boy you keep me hanging on the way you make me feel

S.O.S. please someone help me.
It’s not healthy… for me to feel this way
Y.O.U. are making (Y.O.U.) this hard,
You got me tossin’ and turnin’ and can’t sleep at night

This time please someone come and rescue me
‘Cause you on my mind, it’s got me losing it (‘Cause you on my mind)
I’m lost, you got me lookin’ for the rest of me
Love is testing me but still I’m losing it
This time please someone come and rescue me (someone come and rescue me)
‘Cause you on my mind got me losing it
I’m lost, you got me looking for the rest of me,
Got the best of me, so now I’m losing it

Boy, you know you got me feeling open
And boy, your loves enough with words unspoken
I said boy I’m telling you, you got me open
I don’t know what to do it’s true
I’m going crazy over you,
I’m begging

S.O.S. please somebody help me.
It’s not healthy… for me to feel this way
Y.O.U. are making this hard (are you making this hard for me, baby?),
You got me tossin’ and turnin’ and can’t sleep at night

This time please someone come and rescue me (someone rescue me)
‘Cause you on my mind, it’s got me losing it
I’m lost, you got me lookin’ for the rest of me
Love is testing me but still I’m losing it
This time please someone come and rescue me
‘Cause you on my mind got me losing it (’cause any time)
I’m lost you, got me looking for the rest of me,
Got the best of me (best of me), I’m losing it

Lala lala lala lala Ohhh
Ohh ohh lala lala lala lala
Oh oh


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